Tube acc. to Beckel 5/11ml
Test tube according to Beckel’s methodfor determining the acid value in butter5 ml / 11 ml, PE stand

Separating funnel
Separating funnel for extraction250 ml

Thin layer chromatography chamber
Thin layer chromatography chamber200 x 200 mm Accessory: ArtNr: 5608

Fermentation tube according to Lietz
for determining the degree of final fermentation. 250 ml 450 mm long, internal diameter: 42 mm/20 mm(Rubber stopper for fermentation tube according to lietz: ArtNr. 3050)       

Fermentation tube according to Lietz –
 for determining the degree of final fermentation 750 ml695 mm long, Internal diameter : 55mm/20 mmsuitable rubber stopper for fermentation tube see ArtNr. 3050

Bottle for durability test 200 ml
Clear glass, with closure made of galvanised iron wire and rubber discs        200 ml (height: 175 mm, diameter: 56 mm, opening: Ø18 mm)

Bottle for durability test 200 ml
Clear glass, with closure made of galvanised iron wire and silicone discs            (height: 175 mm, diameter: 56 mm, opening: Ø18 mm)   

Bottle for durability test 500 ml
Clear glass, with closure made of galvanised iron wire and silicone discs                    (height: 253 mm, diameter: 68 mm, opening: Ø18 mm)   
